Speed Script LTC Interface

The Speed Script Long-term Care (SSLTC) interface is a web-based application that allows authorized personnel at a long-term care facility to access their residents' prescription history from a pharmacy's Speed Script system.

If you or your pharmacy would like more information about Speed Script and the SSLTC interface, please visit the Speed Script website or call 800-569-1175.

Logging In

Once you have been given the URL for the pharmacy's SSLTC portal, you will need to log in using the Group Name, User Name, and Password the pharmacy has established for you. Enter the required information in the appropriate fields and press Log In.

If you cannot log in, please contact your pharmacy and verify your Group Name and User Name. The pharmacy staff can also reset your password, if necessary.

The Group Name and User Name fields may be entered in upper- or lower-case. However, the password is case-sensitive, and must be entered exactly as it has been given to you.